Class Wireframe

public class Wireframe extends Plot
A wire frame model specifies each edge of the physical object where two mathematically continuous smooth surfaces meet, or by connecting an object's constituent vertices using straight lines or curves.
  • Constructor Details

    • Wireframe

      public Wireframe(double[][] vertices, int[][] edges, Color color)
      vertices - an n-by-2 or n-by-3 array which are coordinates of n vertices.
      edges - an m-by-2 array of which each row is the vertex indices of two end points of each edge.
  • Method Details

    • getLowerBound

      public double[] getLowerBound()
      Description copied from class: Plot
      Returns the lower bound of data.
      Specified by:
      getLowerBound in class Plot
    • getUpperBound

      public double[] getUpperBound()
      Description copied from class: Plot
      Returns the upper bound of data.
      Specified by:
      getUpperBound in class Plot
    • paint

      public void paint(Graphics g)
      Description copied from class: Shape
      Draws the shape.
      Specified by:
      paint in class Shape
    • of

      public static Wireframe of(double[][] vertices, int[][] edges)
      vertices - an n-by-2 or n-by-3 array which are coordinates of n vertices.
      edges - an m-by-2 array of which each row is the vertex indices of two end points of each edge.