Class Plot

Direct Known Subclasses:
BarPlot, BoxPlot, Contour, Dendrogram, Grid, Heatmap, Hexmap, Histogram3D, LinePlot, QQPlot, ScatterPlot, ScreePlot, SparseMatrixPlot, StaircasePlot, Surface, TextPlot, Wireframe

public abstract class Plot extends Shape
The abstract base class of plots.
  • Constructor Details

    • Plot

      public Plot()
    • Plot

      public Plot(Color color)
  • Method Details

    • getLowerBound

      public abstract double[] getLowerBound()
      Returns the lower bound of data.
    • getUpperBound

      public abstract double[] getUpperBound()
      Returns the upper bound of data.
    • canvas

      public Canvas canvas()
      Returns a canvas of the plot.
    • legends

      public Optional<Legend[]> legends()
      Returns the optional name of shape, which will be used to draw a legend outside the box.
    • tooltip

      public Optional<String> tooltip(double[] coord)
      Returns an optional tooltip for the object at given coordinates.
      coord - the logical coordinates of current mouse position.
      a string if an object with label close to the given coordinates.
    • toolbar

      public Optional<JComponent[]> toolbar()
      Returns an optional list of components in toolbar to control the plot.
      an optional list of toolbar components.