Package smile.vq

Interface Neighborhood

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Neighborhood extends Serializable
The neighborhood function for 2-dimensional lattice topology (e.g. SOM). It determines the rate of change around the winner neuron.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    bubble(int radius)
    Returns the bubble neighborhood function.
    Gaussian(double sigma, double T)
    Returns Gaussian neighborhood function.
    of(int i, int j, int t)
    Returns the changing rate of neighborhood at a given iteration.
  • Method Details

    • of

      double of(int i, int j, int t)
      Returns the changing rate of neighborhood at a given iteration.
      i - the row distance of topology from the winner neuron.
      j - the column distance of topology from the winner neuron.
      t - the order number of current iteration.
      the changing rate of neighborhood.
    • bubble

      static Neighborhood bubble(int radius)
      Returns the bubble neighborhood function. The bubble neighborhood function is a constant function in the defined neighborhood of the winner neuron, that is, every neuron in the neighborhood is updated the same proportion of the difference between the neuron and the presented sample vector. The bubble neighborhood function is a good compromise between the computational cost and the approximation of the Gaussian.
      radius - the radius of neighborhood.
      the bubble neighborhood function.
    • Gaussian

      static Neighborhood Gaussian(double sigma, double T)
      Returns Gaussian neighborhood function.
      sigma - the initial radius of neighborhood.
      T - the number of iterations.
      Gaussian neighborhood function.