

all view layout composition (facet, concat, and repeat) can have the following layout properties: align, bounds, center, spacing.


trait VegaLite
trait LazyLogging
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def align(align: String): this.type

The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns. The supported string values are "all" (the default), "each", and "none".

The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns. The supported string values are "all" (the default), "each", and "none".

  • For "none", a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply placed one after the other.
  • For "each", subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row or column may be of variable size.
  • For "all", subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property will be applied to both grid rows and columns.


def align(row: String, column: String): this.type

Sets different alignments for rows and columns..

Sets different alignments for rows and columns..


def bounds(bounds: String): this.type

The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One of full (the default) or flush.

The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One of full (the default) or flush.

  • If set to full, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and legend) will be used.
  • If set to flush, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view will be used. The flush setting can be useful when attempting to place sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.


def center(flag: Boolean): this.type

Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows or columns.

Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows or columns.


def center(row: Int, column: Int): this.type

Sets different spacing values for rows and columns..

Sets different spacing values for rows and columns..


def spacing(size: Int): this.type

The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.

The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.


def spacing(row: Int, column: Int): this.type

Sets different spacing values for rows and columns..

Sets different spacing values for rows and columns..


Inherited methods

def autosize(`type`: String, resize: Boolean, contains: String): VegaLite.this.type

Sets the overall size of the visualization. The total size of a Vega-Lite visualization may be determined by multiple factors: specified width, height, and padding values, as well as content such as axes, legends, and titles.

Sets the overall size of the visualization. The total size of a Vega-Lite visualization may be determined by multiple factors: specified width, height, and padding values, as well as content such as axes, legends, and titles.

Value parameters


The sizing format type. One of "pad", "fit", "fit-x", "fit-y", or "none". See the autosize type documentation for descriptions of each.


Determines how size calculation should be performed, one of "content" or "padding". The default setting ("content") interprets the width and height settings as the data rectangle (plotting) dimensions, to which padding is then added. In contrast, the "padding" setting includes the padding within the view size calculations, such that the width and height settings indicate the total intended size of the view.


A boolean flag indicating if autosize layout should be re-calculated on every view update.


Inherited from:
def background(color: String): VegaLite.this.type

CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.

CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.


Inherited from:
def config(properties: JsObject): VegaLite.this.type

Sets Vega-Lite configuration object that lists configuration properties of a visualization for creating a consistent theme. This property can only be defined at the top-level of a specification.

Sets Vega-Lite configuration object that lists configuration properties of a visualization for creating a consistent theme. This property can only be defined at the top-level of a specification.


Inherited from:
def data(url: String, format: JsValue): VegaLite.this.type

Sets the url of the data source.

Sets the url of the data source.

Value parameters


Type of input data: "json", "csv", "tsv", "dsv". Default value: The default format type is determined by the extension of the file URL. If no extension is detected, "json" will be used by default.


A URL from which to load the data set.


Inherited from:
def data(df: DataFrame): VegaLite.this.type

Sets a data frame describing the data source.

Sets a data frame describing the data source.


Inherited from:
def data(rows: JsObject*): VegaLite.this.type

Sets an array of objects describing the data source.

Sets an array of objects describing the data source.


Inherited from:
def data(json: JsArray): VegaLite.this.type

Sets a JSON array describing the data source. Set to null to ignore the parent's data source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.

Sets a JSON array describing the data source. Set to null to ignore the parent's data source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.


Inherited from:
def description(description: String): VegaLite.this.type

Sets the description of this mark for commenting purpose.

Sets the description of this mark for commenting purpose.


Inherited from:
def html: String

Returns the HTML of plot specification with Vega Embed.

Returns the HTML of plot specification with Vega Embed.


Inherited from:
def iframe(id: String): String

Returns the HTML wrapped in an iframe to render in notebooks.

Returns the HTML wrapped in an iframe to render in notebooks.

Value parameters


the iframe HTML id.


Inherited from:
def name(name: String): VegaLite.this.type

Sets the name of the visualization for later reference.

Sets the name of the visualization for later reference.


Inherited from:
def padding(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int): VegaLite.this.type

Specifies padding for each side. The visualization padding, in pixels, is from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle.

Specifies padding for each side. The visualization padding, in pixels, is from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle.


Inherited from:
def padding(size: Int): VegaLite.this.type

Specifies padding for all sides. The visualization padding, in pixels, is from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle.

Specifies padding for all sides. The visualization padding, in pixels, is from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle.


Inherited from:
def resolveAxis(axis: JsObject): ViewComposition.this.type

Axis resolutions. For axes, resolutions can be defined for x and y (positional channels).

Axis resolutions. For axes, resolutions can be defined for x and y (positional channels).


Inherited from:
def resolveLegend(legend: JsObject): ViewComposition.this.type

Legend resolutions. For legends, resolutions can be defined for color, opacity, shape, and size (non-positional channels).

Legend resolutions. For legends, resolutions can be defined for color, opacity, shape, and size (non-positional channels).


Inherited from:
def resolveScale(scale: JsObject): ViewComposition.this.type

Scale resolutions. For scales, resolution can be specified for every channel.

Scale resolutions. For scales, resolution can be specified for every channel.


Inherited from:
def show(silent: Boolean): Unit

Displays the plot with the default browser.

Displays the plot with the default browser.

Value parameters


If true, silently swallow any exception.


Inherited from:
def title(title: String): VegaLite.this.type

Sets a descriptive title to a chart.

Sets a descriptive title to a chart.


Inherited from:
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
VegaLite -> Any
Inherited from:
def transform(transforms: JsObject*): VegaLite.this.type

An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation. Data transformations in Vega-Lite are described via either view-level transforms (the transform property) or field transforms inside encoding (bin, timeUnit, aggregate, sort, and stack).

An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation. Data transformations in Vega-Lite are described via either view-level transforms (the transform property) or field transforms inside encoding (bin, timeUnit, aggregate, sort, and stack).

When both types of transforms are specified, the view-level transforms are executed first based on the order in the array. Then the inline transforms are executed in this order: bin, timeUnit, aggregate, sort, and stack.


Inherited from:
def transform(transforms: JsArray): VegaLite.this.type

An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation. Data transformations in Vega-Lite are described via either view-level transforms (the transform property) or field transforms inside encoding (bin, timeUnit, aggregate, sort, and stack).

An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation. Data transformations in Vega-Lite are described via either view-level transforms (the transform property) or field transforms inside encoding (bin, timeUnit, aggregate, sort, and stack).

When both types of transforms are specified, the view-level transforms are executed first based on the order in the array. Then the inline transforms are executed in this order: bin, timeUnit, aggregate, sort, and stack.


Inherited from:
def usermeta(data: JsValue): VegaLite.this.type

Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega. This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom metadata.

Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega. This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom metadata.


Inherited from:

Inherited fields

lazy protected val logger: Logger


Inherited from:
val spec: JsObject

The specification

The specification


Inherited from: