Probabilistic principal component analysis. PPCA is a simplified factor analysis that employs a latent variable model with linear relationship:
y ∼ W * x + μ + ε
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where latent variables x ∼ N(0, I), error (or noise) ε ∼ N(0, Ψ), and μ is the location term (mean). In PPCA, an isotropic noise model is used, i.e., noise variances constrained to be equal (Ψi = σ2). A close form of estimation of above parameters can be obtained by maximum likelihood method.
Michael E. Tipping and Christopher M. Bishop. Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) 61(3):611-622, 1999.
training data.
the number of principal component to learn.