Class ButtonCellRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, MouseListener, Serializable, EventListener, CellEditor, TableCellEditor, TableCellRenderer

public class ButtonCellRenderer extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellRenderer, TableCellEditor, ActionListener, MouseListener
The ButtonCellRenderer class provides a renderer and an editor that looks like a JButton. The renderer and editor will then be used for a specified column in the table. The TableModel will contain the String to be displayed on the button.

The button can be invoked by a mouse click or by pressing the space bar when the cell has focus. Optionally a mnemonic can be set to invoke the button. When the button is invoked the provided Action is invoked. The source of the Action will be the table. The action command will contain the model row number of the button that was clicked.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ButtonCellRenderer

      public ButtonCellRenderer(JTable table, Action action, int column)
      Create the ButtonCellRenderer to be used as a renderer and editor. The renderer and editor will automatically be installed on the TableColumn of the specified column.
      table - the table containing the button renderer/editor
      action - the Action to be invoked when the button is invoked
      column - the column to which the button renderer/editor is added
  • Method Details