Interface DiscreteExponentialFamily

All Known Implementing Classes:
GeometricDistribution, PoissonDistribution, ShiftedGeometricDistribution

public interface DiscreteExponentialFamily
The purpose of this interface is mainly to define the method M that is the Maximization step in the EM algorithm. Note that distributions of exponential family has the close-form solutions in the EM algorithm. With this interface, we may allow the mixture contains distributions of different form as long as it is from exponential family.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    M(int[] x, double[] posteriori)
    The M step in the EM algorithm, which depends on the specific distribution.
  • Method Details

    • M

      DiscreteMixture.Component M(int[] x, double[] posteriori)
      The M step in the EM algorithm, which depends on the specific distribution.
      x - the input data for estimation
      posteriori - the posteriori probability.
      the (unnormalized) weight of this distribution in the mixture.